Hello everyone.
Glad you found us. Now you can see what us Underberg writers get up to. We are a bunch of folks from all walks of life, young and not so young, who spend a fair amount of time (not enough really) pondering and putting little words to paper using our tools of the trade; pens, pencils, typewriters, word processors, our personal experiences and, most importantly our imaginations. Writing for pleasure, to entertain, to rid ourselves of emotional stuff, to have fun with words or even try to make some sort of living word by word.

So please browse what's here and perhaps add some of your stuff to tickle the imagination in all of us. Enjoy.


(Associate members of "The South African Freelance Writers Association")

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Here I sit,
Alone and sixty.
Bald and fat
And full of sin.
Cold the seat
And loud the cistern.
As I read the Harpic tin!

Saturday, May 16, 2015


I am home among my beloved mountains.  
I view them but no longer venture into them as I did when young.
They have been my unwavering haven and guide to my life.
I have returned to my mountains to find my sanctuary.
I am blessed that I have this opportunity to live in my haven.
This is just the way I want things to be for me.

I wish that my room had a floor;
  I don't so much care for a door;
    But this crawling around
    Without touching the ground
  Is getting to be quite a bore.
Something that I hammered together in one of those moments when..........


We have silence in our little world.
Our silence is a profound blessing.
We cherish our silence as it touches our souls.
In our silence we have intermissions of the calls of the wild.
Our birds bring us their joyful songs, the reed-buck her whistled bid for a partner's company.
Our silence has it's intermittent sounds of the country with their messages of hope and peace.
So is our silence!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Hello scribblers. Here we are.  A blog spot just for us. So lets put thoughts, ideas, plots, crits etc., on here and have fun.

We can put the dates of our meetings, Who wrote what (and why?) Forthcoming events. Happy birthdays (Mine is today!) All sorts of stuff to keep us amused and encouraged.

We will set up a list of writers in our group with contact details so we may keep in touch with one another.